Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rockin' the Chins

Today I rocked the chinups, totaling the most ever in the fewest sets.

These are full chin-ups; I went all the way to lockout like the woman in the pic and back to the top where my chin was above the bar.

What's better than doing 9 chins? Doing 9 chins, hopping down and seeing a 300 lb stacked dude smiling at me with the "way to go" look. :)

Next time I'm adding weights. I'll look a bit silly with a 5 lb plate hanging from my waist, but you have to crawl before you can walk!

BF - down to 27.1% (yay!)
Tummy - FULL of chicken meat and jambalaya! Tonight's dinner? Homemade pulled pork sandwiches and sweet potato fries! If this is a diet, I'm in heaven.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gummy Goodness

Unfortunately no workout today. Tweaked my back about a week ago - possibly when I caught the downhill edge of my snowboard last weekend and landed flat on my back (thank GOD I wear a helmet). Between that, my heavy squat day and my lumpy mattress, I'm toast. Dragged my butt to a Chiropractor who made my neck, midback and lowback snap crackle and pop. Going back Monday to see if everything is still straight.

Have a lot of soreness now, so I'm focusing on keeping the diet loaded with protein and low carbs b/c it's movie night - and I can't go to a movie without a bag of gummy bears!

Will see how I feel in the morning and hopefully get to the gym and do some upper body and more stretching. Don't want to aggravate the back with deadlifts. Probably wait until next weekend to try again.

Friday, January 21, 2011

From Starving to Stuffed...

I went to bed last night stuffed to the gills. I had 177g of protein yesterday and my total allotment of 1,326 calories and yet I lost another pound.

Then, I was really hungry this morning and was prepared to devour every morsel of my 4-piece of Grilled Caribbean chicken I got at the grocery store, but I couldn't finish it. I'm not sure if it's because my body gets tired of eating chunks of protein or what, but after making quick work of a wing and two drumsticks, I only got halfway through the breast.

I seem to get full fast, then hungry again pretty quickly after eating - even after STUFFING myself with protein and veggies. I'm planning a cheat day on Sunday where I will eat something fatty and sweet so my leptin levels can climb again and kill this constant hunger. Just so you know, I don't feel like I'm starving all of the time. The feeling is more like what you get an hour after eating Chinese food - you know you just ate, but you could probably eat a bit more.

If any of you have taken up IF, let me know how it's working for you.

Weight: 119 (yay!)
BF - don't ask. But since my weight is DEcreasing and my BF % is no longer INcreasing, I will assume that I am losing some since it's calculated based on weight. Lower bodyweight with zero or little change in BF = higher BF reading... I think that makes sense. I don't think I'll see a big difference until my weight stabilizes for a while...stay tuned.